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Contact Us

Our normal office hours are Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

We welcome you to schedule appointments during the lunch hour, after 5:00 p.m., or on weekends, if you are not able to get off work to sign the final documents.


MacKay & McLean Barristers & Solicitors

2042 Cornwall Street

Regina, SK Canada S4P 2K5

Tel: 306-569-1301

Fax: 306-569-8560

Click Here to Email Us


The law office of MacKay & McLean is located just half a block south of Victoria Avenue on the west (right hand) side of the street.

Laugh and the World Laughs...

Q: Why do they bury lawyers twelve feet deep?

A: Because deep down, they are really good guys.